Why am I so Tired?

Woman looking stressed at her desk, eyes closed
Think about it… If you are working in an office, or at another non-labor intensive task stress is likely causing your fatigue.
Do you often find yourself asking, “Why am I so tired?” You are not alone, millions of people are suffering from constant tiredness. miniCHILL® helps reduce the stress that drains you mentally and physically. That stress is likely causing your low energy levels. According to Duke University Medical Center, “Moderate caffeine consumption makes a person react like he/she is having a very stressful day.” In the short-term, caffeine may provide an energy boost, but in the long-term causes fatigue and reduces our ability to cope with stress.
Try reaching for a delicious convenient miniCHILL® rather than a caffeinated beverage and address the true of fatigue rather than the symptom.